If you’re seeking a unique travel experience that blends cultural immersion with eco-friendly practices, Mifune in Kumamoto, Japan, might just be your perfect destination. Join me on a journey through lush landscapes, warm hospitality, and sustainable living as we explore this hidden gem.

Day 1: Arrival and Organic Farm Homestay

Our adventure begins in Fukuoka, where I boarded a direct flight from Bangkok, Thailand, courtesy of Thai Airways. After a scenic three-hour drive near the majestic Mount Aso, we arrived at our first homestay destination – Organic Cafe SORANOMORI. Tucked away in the heart of Mifune, this charming organic farm café welcomed us with open arms.

The rustic ambiance and friendly hosts, a Japanese family with children, made us feel right at home. As evening descended, we had the opportunity to lend a hand in preparing a traditional Japanese dinner using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The highlight of the night? An enchanting display of summer fireworks under the starlit sky, creating unforgettable memories.

Day 2: Takachiho Gorge and Mifune Dinosaur Museum

The next morning, we embarked on a breathtaking journey to Takachiho Gorge, one of Kumamoto’s most spectacular tourist spots. Words cannot do justice to the sheer beauty of this natural wonder, surpassed only by experiencing it firsthand.

After soaking in the awe-inspiring scenery, we ventured to the Mifune Dinosaur Museum, delving into the region’s prehistoric past through an impressive collection of fossils. As dusk approached, we were treated to a dazzling fireworks extravaganza by the tranquil Kosa Town riverbank, a testament to Kumamoto’s vibrant cultural heritage.

Day 3: Blueberry Farm Homestay and Onsen Experience

Bid farewell to our first homestay, we embarked on the next leg of our journey to another haven of tranquility – the フウリュウカフェ (Kazaru Hall). Nestled amidst blueberry farms, this quaint café doubled as a local concert hall, offering a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Our gracious hosts shared their passion for traditional Japanese cuisine by guiding us through the art of making fresh Soba noodles, a hands-on experience that left us craving for more. To complete our day of relaxation, we indulged in the therapeutic waters of the KUMAMOTO EMINENCE エミナース 温泉 七福の湯 (Kumamoto Eminence Onsen), immersing ourselves in the age-old tradition of communal bathing.

Final Thoughts: Embracing Eco-Friendly Tourism

As our journey draws to a close, one thing becomes abundantly clear – the magic of Mifune lies not only in its picturesque landscapes but also in the warmth of its people and their commitment to sustainable living. While staying with a Japanese family may seem like a rare opportunity, it’s worth exploring options like Organic Farm and Homestay in Mifune to unlock the door to authentic cultural experiences.

In conclusion, Mifune, Kumamoto, offers a glimpse into a world where eco-friendly travel and genuine hospitality converge, inviting travelers to forge meaningful connections with both nature and local communities. So why not step off the beaten path and embark on your own eco-adventure? Your next unforgettable journey awaits in Mifune.